Tag Archives: freelance writer

The Return

It’s been a long time since I posted on this blog. A couple of months ago I put some old work up here because it disappeared from the site that it was originally written for. And before then, I hadn’t touched this blog for a year. I’ve been doing freelance work, both paid and unpaid. But I never feel like I’m writing enough. So, in simple terms, I’m going to try and bring this blog back.

It’ll have a slightly broader remit than before. While film and TV will be the main concerns of the piece, there might also be some pieces on other kinds of art; written, visual, performed, or some combination of them.

I’m hoping to try and write a piece for this blog at least once or twice a week, alongside pitches to other places, and writing for Patreon patrons (more on that in a sec). It’s one thing to keep wanting to write, but another to do it. As the saying goes: don’t be a writer, be writing. I don’t want to be a writer. I want to be writing. So I”ll write.

I’ve also set up a Patreon, because capitalism is a nightmare and freelance work is inconsistent at the best of times. I know it’s a lot to ask of any reader to go into their own pocket to support me when so much good writing is already available online, but any and all support would be wonderful. There’s a link to the Patreon here.
Also, you can follow me on Twitter here to see all the work I do with different places.

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